Our panel solicitors specialise in managing occupational asthma cases for sufferers and their family members. With plenty of experience and legislative knowledge, they can expertly manage your case so that you’re fully compensated for any health or financial problems and have access to the medical treatment you deserve.
What is occupational asthma?
Occupational asthma is a condition which is caused by a person’s working environment. Asthma occurs due to the inhalation of certain airborne substances known as Asthmagens. Due to this form of exposure, occupational asthma can be sudden or develop months later. Commonly it is found in industries where these types of substances are used such as bakery or welding. It is a condition that affects thousands of people every year however due to the sufferer often having a previous asthma issue it is often blamed on the wrong situation.
What has caused my occupational asthma?
An employer is legally required to protect the health and safety of their employees while at work. Where people are exposed to Asthmagens, necessary risk assessments must be carried out and action taken to reduce or control potential harm. Exposure to Asthmagens at work including coal dust, welding fumes and chemical vapours can cause or exacerbate a number of respiratory conditions, including:
· Occupational Asthma
· Bronchitis
· Silicosis
· Farmer’s Lung
Symptoms of Occupational Asthma
Symptoms of Occupational Asthma are the same as Asthma, these include:
· Shortness of breath
· Wheezing & coughing
· Constricted chest movement
· Asthma attacks
Occupational Asthma is not always a permanent condition, in many cases once the individual has distanced themselves from exposure to the triggers it can often subside. If you have suffered from any of the symptoms above we recommend that you visit your GP and notify them of your problem, they will then be able to identify causes and possibly change our medication.
Your rights and guidance for occupational asthma
If an employer does not put relevant measures in place, particularly with regards to ventilation and safety precautions, which causes you to develop occupational asthma or another breathing condition, they can be liable for any damage. Our panel of solicitors can utilise their clear, up-to-date knowledge of regulations to prove the liability of an employer during occupational asthma claims, making sure that they are held accountable for the harm caused.
Get in touch
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0161 503 4266